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Pune Selfie Accident

Pune Selfie Accident: Woman Falls into 100-Foot Gorge While Taking Selfie, Rescued

Introduction: Pune Selfie Accident

In a recent incident that underscores the importance of safety in tourist spots, a 29-year-old woman from Pune had a narrow escape after falling into a 100-foot gorge while attempting to take a selfie. The accident took place in the scenic Satara district, near the famous Thoseghar waterfalls, a popular spot known for its breathtaking views and, unfortunately, for the risks that come with them.

Pune Selfie Accident: A Dangerous Fall

On a Saturday afternoon, the woman, along with her friends, decided to visit Borne Ghat, a location renowned for its picturesque landscapes. While trying to capture the perfect selfie against the backdrop of the cascading waterfalls, she lost her balance and plummeted into the deep gorge. The sheer drop of 100 feet was life-threatening, and her friends were left in shock, unsure of what to do next.

Pune Selfie Accident
Pune Selfie Accident, Screenshot from Video

Pune Selfie Accident: Swift Rescue Operations

Thanks to the quick thinking and prompt actions of her friends and nearby visitors, a rescue operation was initiated almost immediately. A Home Guard, along with a group of experienced mountaineers who were in the vicinity, sprang into action. Their coordinated efforts were crucial in bringing the woman to safety. The rescue, which was nothing short of a miracle, was recorded and soon went viral on social media, drawing attention to the dangers of reckless behavior in such risky environments.

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Pune Selfie Accident, Screenshot from Video

The video of the rescue shows the woman being carefully lifted out of the gorge, with ropes and harnesses being expertly maneuvered by the rescue team. It was a tense situation, but the team’s experience and determination ensured that the woman was brought out alive. After the rescue, she was rushed to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that she was in stable condition, much to the relief of her friends and family.

A Stark Reminder of the Dangers

This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers that can arise from seemingly harmless activities like taking selfies in hazardous locations. The pursuit of the perfect picture has often led to accidents, some of which have been fatal. Just a few days before this incident, a 26-year-old Instagram influencer met with a tragic end when she fell into a gorge at Kumbhe waterfall near Raigad while filming a video. These incidents highlight the need for tourists to exercise caution and prioritize their safety over capturing risky moments.

Authorities’ Response and Public Awareness

In light of these recent accidents, local authorities in Maharashtra have issued warnings and guidelines to tourists visiting natural attractions. They emphasize the importance of staying within designated safe zones and avoiding risky behavior that could lead to accidents. Signboards, safety barriers, and constant monitoring by local authorities are being implemented to ensure that such incidents are minimized in the future.

Pune Selfie Accident. Credits: Goes to Original Owner.

Tourists are being urged to respect these safety measures and to understand that natural beauty can be enjoyed without putting oneself in danger. The allure of social media and the pressure to capture and share extraordinary moments should not overshadow the importance of personal safety. Authorities are also considering stricter regulations and fines for those found violating safety guidelines at tourist spots.

A Call to Action for Safer Tourism

The Pune selfie accident serves as a call to action for both tourists and authorities alike. While tourists must take responsibility for their own safety, it is equally important for authorities to ensure that popular tourist spots are equipped with adequate safety measures. Regular safety drills, informative signboards, and trained personnel can go a long way in preventing such accidents.

Furthermore, the role of social media in promoting unsafe behavior cannot be ignored. The desire to capture the perfect shot often pushes individuals to take unnecessary risks. It is crucial for social media platforms and influencers to promote responsible behavior and to set an example for their followers.


The recent incidents in Pune and Raigad are tragic reminders of the risks associated with reckless behavior in natural environments. While the rescued woman from Pune was fortunate to survive, not everyone is as lucky. As tourism continues to grow, it is essential for both tourists and authorities to prioritize safety over everything else. The beauty of nature can be enjoyed without endangering lives, and it is up to everyone to ensure that such accidents become a thing of the past.

By raising awareness and promoting safe practices, we can prevent future accidents and make sure that our interactions with nature are both enjoyable and safe. Let this incident be a lesson to all: no selfie is worth risking your life.

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