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There are 5 Steps to Earn Money on Youtube


In this post or article, lets discuss about how can we earn money from online. Almost everyone knows that they can earn money from youtube by making videos. Any creator or youtuber starts from 0 (zero) and makes it million. By views we are making money from youtube and getting views on videos is very difficult because of competition. There are 5 steps to make money on youtube.

There are 5 Steps to Earn Money on Youtube

Before knowing the steps, there are some rules and regulations to create a youtube channel and earn from youtube. Youtube as its own community guidlines to maintian or to keep youtube safe. Every youtube creators will follow these guidlines to become a youtube creator and also to earn money from youtube. If anyone breaks the youtube guidlines there youtube channel will be removed from youtube permanently.

Youtube will delete your channel from youtube if you break or does not follow these rules or guidlines of youtube and youtube does not cares about subscribers, likes, comments, views etc. If you breaks the youtube rules, youtube will breaks your channel from youtube. Once ads starts displaying on your videos, you can earn from youtube.

There are 5 steps to earn money from youtube, you have to follow these steps to become a successful youtuber and earn money from youtube.

Step 1: Create or Setup Youtube Channel

There are 5 Steps to Earn Money on Youtube 1

Create your youtube channel with unique or creative name that viewers or public can attract to your channel and videos. Keep the youtube channel name simple to understand and easy to search for people or audience. Setting up your youtube channel by making youtube background image, youtube channel logo, channel intro, channel outro, creating channel name or personal accounts on social media to better communication or getting more views through social media to create a network with audience for lifelong views to earn money from youtube.

Step 2: Unique or Creative Content

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Don’t copy other youtuber content or videos to make your videos, this is the mistake every new youtubers do. For upcoming new youtubers, you should try something new and unique to make videos on youtube to earn money from it. Boring content or videos will be not watched by people or audience, public wants to watch something new, something unique it may be in any category like cooking, technology, science, comedy etc. Try to think unique and creative to make videos and to get fame on youtube to earn more 2x money on youtube.

Step 3: Youtube Monetization Requirements

There are 5 Steps to Earn Money on Youtube

Compelete the requirements that youtube metioned for every new youtubers, once they completed thye requirements they can start earning from youtube by displaying ads on videos. To apply for YPP (Youtube Partner Program) you have to reach the requirements thats is 1000 subscribers and 4000 watchtime. Youtube can change these requiremsts at anytime and every new youtubers to complete this requirement to apply YPP. After applying for YPP, youtube will check your channel completely to enable ads on your videos,. If you didn’t follow the youtube guidlines, youtube will not monetize your channel if you reached or completed the requirements also.

Step 4: Gain More Audience

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Publish your youtube videos on social media to gain more audience and also attarct your audience to watch your video completely to increase the views and watchtime. Share your videos or content with others it may be your family, friends, relatives, neighbours etc. Don’t force anyone to subscribe to your channel, avoid telling them to comment on your videos and also likes these are the major disadvantages for new youtubers. You can also promote your videos on youtube and social media to gain more audience and you can also selects the specific category audience to reach your content or videos.

Step 5: Maintain Consistency

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Every new youtubers need audience to support their content and many audience will not watch your content in starting days but don’t lose hopes keep making videos and upload it daily, weekly two times atleast, because of competition many youtubers are uploading videos regularly to keep consistency on youtube and to keep audience active to watch their videos regularly and gain more audience to make more views to earn more money on youtube. Also maintain consistency on social media to get attention of audience.

These are 5 steps to follow the become a succesul youtuber and also to earn money online from youtube and don’t buy camera, mic or other things on starting days. Start with normal phone camera and after you become a succsful youtuber you can buy then. Remember one thing, “Content Matters not Quality” – All Youtubers.

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